Overland Off-Road Trailer:
Empty vs Fully Loaded
Twain Trailers Overland Off-road trailer: Empty vs Fully Loaded Overview. I just wanted to go through a quick overview of what the trailer looks like completely empty bare bones. What you get from the factory from us, basically this setup, you’ve got the two hoops, the two cross rails that you mount whatever tent solution you have on top of yours and then of course you’ll get the four jacks. This is how it looks empty and then this is how my family uses ours. A lot of the troubles that we have with all of our off-road equipment stuff, like that it felt like for the longest time that I was hauling everything on my jeep, on my truck, all the time, even whenever I didn’t need to haul it. Like I don’t need to have my high lift jack sitting on my jeep the whole time that I’m driving through my local city. It’s just not a necessary tool, off-road necessary tool but unless I’m planning on being a first responder and helping to jack open somebody’s door that’s stuck in a car crash.
This is not a tool you need to have on your vehicle a 100% of the time and it’s heavy bulky and annoying so I moved it to the trailer. The tent, same thing can’t park in the garage, can’t do anything that you want to, it’s a giant air dam on top of the vehicle. It slows you down, it’s bulky, It just limits what you can haul with your vehicle. Move it to the trailer, problem solved. A lot of stuff that I like to haul with me whenever I’m camping that I can’t keep in my vehicle all the time, is shovels, normally I have an axe right here as well, so that you can put any kind of mounting adapter that you want to add whatever you want to the trailer. We’ve got jerry can mounts, we’ve got pull pal mounts, we’ve got obviously the high lift jack mounts, and dual tool mounts. These are mounts that we use for our tent specifically. It just, they’re virtually indestructible. Everything about the trailer is designed to be bomb proof because the last thing I want to do is to try to go camping and show up and have it not work out to let my family down saying, “hey we’re gonna go camping this weekend” and then have something go wrong and we don’t get to go camping that’s the biggest let down in the world.
With our rig we’ve got two hard cases that we keep all of our camping gear all the time. We have all of our cooking gear inside of this one. Everything that we need to camp with, everything that we need to cook with, is always inside this box ready to go so if we decide as a family to go camping, we don’t have to go gather everything up in the garage. We don’t have to pull it off our shelves, and move it all in here and say “okay we found everything, let’s just get going!” it’s already there ready to go. If we say let’s go camping, all we need to do is pack a cooler and go. Everything for the tent, our annex, everything like that, sleeping bags, we keep in this other dry box. The reason why I use the two hard case dry boxes is my family likes to go kayaking and canoeing, gives me a perfect place to lay my my kayaks up here on top of the boxes. They travel down the road just fine everything’s just right there ready to go.
The greatest benefit for us is this is a fully enclosed package, the only thing that we normally have to throw on here is firewood and our cooler. When we get to our campsite, we can pull up and even if we don’t want to unpack and set up tent right then we just want to go hiking or go get in the river or wherever it is that we’re going, we can immediately disconnect our trailer and just drive and go. Do what we want to do and that’s the number one thing that I was trying to give my family with moving into roof top tent camping is the freedom to still move the same way we did even whenever we were ground camping. Ground camping gives you the ability to be very lightweight light footprint. This trailer gives you that same light footprint because you’re not fighting all the additional baggage that comes with rooftop tent camping being bolted onto your vehicle. Your vehicle is just your normally normal daily driver. Once you get to your campsite, your off-road camping gear is all disconnected and you’re back to just driving to your hiking spot or wherever it is that you’re going to have fun with your family.
I hope this was informative and if you have any questions please just like the video comment down below tell us what you would like to know.